How to Overcome Fear

So you’ve got this crazy idea. It could be the next big thing. You’re ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship. But then this is about the time that the fear pays a visit. Will this crazy ideal work? Can you pull it off? Can you take the leap of faith and quit your nine […]
3 Tips To DOMINATE Networking

Whether you’re getting ready for your first networking event or you’re a seasoned networker, it’s important to always remember the purpose of networking. It’s all about relationship building, tapping into the resources and the people that could help your business be at its best, and connecting with others that have similar passions. Being focused in […]
Leveling Up: The Three Levels of Entrepreneurship

Were any of you gamers (or maybe you still are, lol)? Gaming is all about getting to that next level, beating your opponent or the even bigger threat…time. Every level requiring something new from you, something you either have to earn or sometimes purchase, in order to achieve victory in the next leg of the […]
Punch Out Your Punch List

You must progress to get better. It’s the nature of business and life. Being better does not happen without progress. You can expect to get better, when you are doing nothing to get there. Sometimes as entrepreneurs we get stuck, complacent, and don’t always see the value of extending and expanding-especially when things are “going […]
Environmental Issues

Environmental issues can make or break your business…and I am not talking about global warming. I am talking about the created atmosphere of your work space. Whether your office is at home or an actual office building, you have to create a space that people (mainly you) want to be in. The environment you surround […]
Feed Your Passion

In order for anything to grow, it must be fed. Babies, animals, plants, even natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes. Fear and passion grow when they are fed, too. You have to choose which one you are going to feed. It’s easy to feed fear. Our mind takes care of that for us. We fear the […]
What Matters Most? Prioritize Yourself in 3 Steps

What Matters Most?: Prioritize Yourself in 3 Steps In the craziness of your day and the entrepreneurial journey, how do you decide what things are the most important? There are so many things that come at us, that sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint what should be priority and what should take a backseat. Here are […]
Breaking the Broke Mentality

Your story matters. Where you came from matters, it’s part of who you are. But don’t allow where you came from to become a blockade to where you are going. My story began much like most other entrepreneurs. I come from a lower-middle class family, my dad worked and my mom stayed at home with […]
Wanna Grow a Big Company? Grow Big People

Who you surround yourself with is vital to your success as a business. Finding and choosing your team can be a process, but once you have the right people in place there are no limitations to what you can accomplish. As an entrepreneur, it is your job to grow your people. You orchestrate everything that […]
The 3 D’s of Entrepreneurship: Discipline, Determination and Drive

We can all agree that it takes a special and unique person to be an entrepreneur. Not everyone is cut out to do it. Entrepreneurship will push you to the limit and then push you a little more. It requires a lot of sacrifice, but the payoff can be exponential if you are willing to […]